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Do your keys, phone, money need disinfecting when you return home?

Home is our best refuge during an outbreak, and it's where we want to make sure there's no virus.
But if we have to go outside, what are the best ways to thoroughly disinfect ourselves when we get home? Should we rinse all our belongings, including our smartphones, wallets, money and keys, with hot water and soap?
Dr Stephen Berger points out that the list of potentially contaminated objects is endless, but this does not mean that all objects need to be cleaned. For most things, we don't have a noticeable effect. With one exception: our own hands! Because when it comes to covid-19 risk, the real culprit is our own hands.
"The current covid-19 pandemic is caused by a virus. The virus causes infection through the nose or mouth.
"The direct cause of infection is the presence of an infected person at a distance," Berger said.Some may cough into their hands and touch objects around them, such as opening a door.Others may then unknowingly shake the victim's hand, or touch a doorknob, before finally using their contaminated hands to snack.This will eventually lead to infection."
Money is also a good example."
Few people realize that money is dirty.
Some studies have shown that paper money can contain a surprising variety of bacteria, parasites and other living things.
European banknotes, for example, which are made of cotton fibre, are highly susceptible to microbial contamination, whereas COINS (which contain 75% copper) are not.
However, "the solution here is not to throw the money away or wash it with detergent," Berger said.
This also doesn't mean to spray your keys with lysol. Instead, he suggests, the solution is "prudence and hygiene."
"In the case of the COVID pandemic, 'caution' involves taking strict care to avoid potential disease sources," Berger said. "this means wearing a mask and practicing social distance."
While 'hygiene' must include careful and repeated hand washing, use of disinfectants and chemical wipes will do. But simple soap and water can also help."

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